
The recently used tables is now using ajax. I've just pushed to my repo, so the demo [0] will be available in an hour later. Comment and suggestion are welcome, mainly regarding the ajax-related code:
- ajax request in navigation.js
- ajax response in navigation.php
- ajax trigger in header.inc.php (the triggering is done by adding <script> tag to call js function in the navigation frame, any better way?)

[0] http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/gsoc-aris/


Aris Feryanto

On 10 Mei 2011, at 23:49, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:

> Aris Feryanto a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I've just got some comments from the feature tracker [0]:
>> =====================================
>> The only problem I see is that each time I go to a new table, (within the
>> same database) the left column refreshes. Is this to repopulate that
>> list????
> (...)
>> =====================================
>> I'll try to use ajax to refresh the drop-down list. It would be more
>> convenient if users can still interact with the recent list (in case the
>> user wrongly select the recent table), while the main frame is still
>> loading.
>> Other comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Indeed this is a valid objection to navigation panel reload, and Ajax is
> promising.
> --
> Marc Delisle
> http://infomarc.info