Hi all,
        I am using the following piece of code in my java script file to retrieve the ids of checked check boxes from a div named "list".
I am appending the arrays of ids in the url using the "location.href = location.href+"?array=true&0="+course;" etc. I can see the array in the address bar but using $REQUEST or $GET does not help me fetch the values. 
Please have a look at my code and help me as soon as possible. This problem has already taken a lot of my time.
Thanx in advance.
function ApplySelectedChanges()
    var Checked_tables_ids = new Array();
    var div =  document.getElementById("list");
    var input_fields = div.getElementsByTagName('input');
    var x = input_fields.length;
    var i;
    var append_string;
    for (i=0; i<x; i++) {
        if (input_fields[i].type == 'checkbox') { 
             if (i == 0) {
                  append_string = "?abc="+1234+"&";  
             } else {
                  append_string += "&";    
        Checked_tables_ids[i] = input_fields[i].id;
        append_string += i+"="+input_fields[i].id; 
   location.href += append_string;