I am planning to apply for the same project.
I tried solving http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=377408&aid=2107746&group_id=23067
I figured out that the error is caused when php is running in safe mode as the set_time_limit cannot overwrite the setting.
Here's a copy of the mail I had sent previously but no one replied :( could anyone please help me with it?
I've hit a road block with a bug and would appreciate a lot if some seasoned developers would help me get over the problem.
Link: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=377408&aid=2107746&group_id=23067
Please read the comments.
Narrowed down the problem to being from
php.ini 's safe mode setting which doesn't let set_time_limit override
default max_execution_time in php.ini
After making a rough idea
of how the export works in PMA it struck me that we can use the function
that basically outputs every line in all types of output. [install
dir]/export.php > PMA_exportOutputHandler to check if we are going to
run out of time
I made these changes from around line 110 search for function called PMA_exportOutputHandler and you'll find it.
Now the final lines on my download give out the line "It's gonna blow!!!"
last few lines.
Now I need to make sure that
Ok, Marc, thank you. I'll try to code something and maybe complete some task (http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Tasks_for_junior_developers). As soon as possible, I publish some change at my git tree. I really thank your advice.On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:Fábio Albuquerque a écrit :
> My name is Fábio, I'm a student of Computer Science at Federal(...)
> University of Paraíba, Brazil, and an enthusiastic of GSoC. As I've
> working with phpMyAdmin in the last two years, I'd love to contribute
> and to improve this excellent tool. I'm interested to implement some
> object oriented improvements on some existing module/functionality, like
> import or export a database, CRUD operations, etc.
>Yes, please read
> Is there anything else I can do beside exploring the code? How can I
> discuss the focus of the implementation? I just can't wait to work with
> it and finally make my real contribution. Thank you all in advance.
http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2011_Applicant_Guide especially item 2.
Marc Delisle
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