Hi Michal,
Thanks for the information.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Michal Èihaø <michal@cihar.com> wrote:

Dne Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:39:51 +0530
Kishanthan Thangarajah <kshanth2101@gmail.com> napsal(a):

> I thought of implementing classes for each format with some methods for
> rendering the primitives (line, text, box, etc) and subclasses for each
> format to implement these methods.
> I also think that 'creating a file with known format and converting that to
> EPS' would cause more trouble.
> We can use the PostScript Document Creation Module of PHP to create
> postscript files.

I don't know how good is it in drawing as it is something you don't
need much in documentation.

Do you have any suggestion on creating a postscript file other than what i have mentioned above?
If so can you direct me to those resources.

> And from the external libraries which i have mentioned, i thought of using
> the DOM extension of PHP for the creation of SVG files.
> Since SVG is a XML format it will be easy to operate on it with DOM
> extension.

Using DOM can help, generating XML manually is also an option (we do
this for XML and OpenDocument exports.

> >From what i have learnt by going through the source is that exporting
> files(eg - PDF) are done on-the-fly without requiring external extensions.
> Are you suggesting me to do like that for these formats?

Well if it can be done with reasonably small amount of code, then it is
prefered. If you would have to implement lot of code, it is better to
use existing libraries.

Using existing libraries will have an advantage of writing small amount of code , so i prefer to use some external libraries for this project.
