Hi Chanaka,> Chanaka Dharmarathna a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to support the feature request [0]. With that we need
> to think
> > about export just triggers, just views, just stored
> > procedures/functions/events etc. I think this would be practically
> needful.
> > Anyway, I'm not sure about how we could support this with the current
> > custom export form. By adding new radio button (views/triggers/SPs) to
> > 'Format-specific options' parallel to structure, data, structure
> and data
> > options ? Appreciate your thoughts on this.
> >
> > [0] : http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/1403/
> Hi Chanaka,
> you probably meant checkboxes instead of radio buttons, so that a user
> can choose a combination of export sections.
> I think that these should be placed under "object creation options" and
> "data creation options". Note that you'll need more checkboxes than you
> mention, because, to implement this request, a user would want to
> disable the normal definition statements likre CREATE TABLE, ALTER
> TABLE, etc.
> Hi Marc,
> I include my suggestions to the custom export form UI [0] using fire
> bug. I added two elements to the custom export form.
> 1. The radio button 'only view/trigger/SP' to the 'Format-specific options'
> 2. The check box 'Add CREATE VIEW statement to the 'Object creation options'
> We'll look at how this is going to work.
> Item 2 will provide an option to the user, whether to include the view
> for his export. Basically this will decouple views and tables. This will
> make as a different feature request.
> After item 2 is implemented, user can do export with/without
> view/sp/trigger. But always export will include at least database structure.
> So item 1 will provide an option to not to include database structure to
> the export. With this option we can hide some options like '|CREATE
> TABLE| options' in 'Object creation options' section which we don't need.
> What do you think on this ?
> [0] : http://i.imgur.com/Ri7m4O5.png
In our current form, we have clear choices: structure, data, structure
and data (could be improved with just two checkboxes, one for structure
and one for data, but this is another subject).
What I find confusing is that you are adding near these choices, another
choice which is (I think) a subset of the structure.
I would classify a trigger as being part of the structure (it's more
related to structure that to data, right?)