
RFE #701 proposes that we should replace the 'Print View' and 'Print View (with Full Texts)' with a 'Print View' Option which should print out the CSS of the page only (i.e. whatever exactly is currently displayed on the page itself).

I had something in mind about the implementation, but am not able to figure some details. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. 

Details of implementation:
On clicking the 'Print View' link, it will call a click-handler JQuery function which will get the HTML for the table from the current page, traverse through the HTML.

Then, make a JSON of relevant information such as SQL Query, No. of  Rows, Column Heads and then arrays of values in each row for SQL results and information such as Table Name, Rows, Type, Collation, Size, Overhead, Comment for db_structure.php and tbl_structure.php.

Now, send a POST Request to a PHP file and get the $response (PMA_Response) after making a output with good-looking table and other details and the 'Print' Button.

The main problem I am facing here is that, how should I output the $response ?

I thought of a very-unlike-PMA way:
Open a new tab with JS and add HTML to it as 
var w = window.open();

​But here I guess there will be difficulty to use PMA_Response with its headers(and do I actually need to use PMA_Response or can I just print the $html_output recieved from PHP file).

or Can I somehow use 'target="print_view" ' and get the $response to be shown onto it ?

Also, please suggest any flaws/ possible problems that I may have missed or if you would suggest a different way.


Deven G. Bansod