2014-05-31 0:45 GMT+08:00 Atul Pratap singh <atulpratapsingh05@gmail.com>:
On May 30, 2014 8:41:05 PM GMT+05:30, Edward Cheng <c4150221@gmail.com> wrote:>> Ok, so you plan to display query results in the console itself. I
>2014-05-30 22:45 GMT+08:00 Atul Pratap singh
>> misunderstood some details from your proposal and thought that query
>> results will be displayed in the main panel and query logs in the
>> My previous reply was according to that understanding. Also, please
>tell me
>> about the following details..
>> - I am still unclear about warnings etc. that we display for certain
>> queries like DROP, will we warn the user when executing such queries
>> console? Or would it be totally like mysql console?
>> - Also in case user puts a USE query in console, do we change the
>> database and update the navigation and main panel? Same will be
>> for ALTER queries etc.. Here I am pointing to the overall relation
>> synchronization between console and rest of the application.
>These features can be added later, before execute there's
>PMA_console.execute(), after execute there's midHandler.
Ok, I will make few comments on the commit at github soon.I replied.
>> - And would you store the sql query logs only or the sql results
>> as well? I think as the results may change at any time, storing
>> only should be fine.
>Yeah, data may change any time, but we still can store
>results, users know when a query should be re executed.
>Alright, I'll change my design, store queries only, with
>bookmarks and history.
Bookmarks are a part of sql tab I guess, why storing them here?Query window has history and bookmarks, yeah they also inSQL tab, but I think I can give them better experience.
Atul Pratap Singh
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--Edward Cheng