
I've fixed the problem below and implement some suggestions. I've just pushed my commits, so the demo server should be updated in about an hour.

On 8 Mei 2011, at 17:49, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:

> Le 2011-05-07 20:53, Aris Feryanto a écrit :
> Hi Aris,
> On the positive side, the new feature works well, both with or without
> pma_recent.
> On the negative side, I can no longer browse any table (no data is shown
> and there are warnings at the bottom of the browse page).
This is fixed. I used variable $result, which is used by other part of code. I've changed the variable name to $tmp_result.

> Missing feature:
> - in /setup I don't see how to define pma_recent

> Suggestions:
> - in saveToDb() you could use REPLACE INTO instead of a SELECT then
> UPDATE or INSERT, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/replace.html

> - in getHtmlSelect() please use jQuery instead of the onchange event;
> this is the direction we are taking about js in this project

I use onchange event, because the js code need a value generated from php ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftDefaultTabTable'], i.e. where the main frame will jump to when a recent table is selected). Should we change this to jQuery? I think that the code will be separated; the jQuery event in .js and the generated value in <script> tag in php.

> - about syntax, please write "if (! isset" instead of "if (!isset" (add
> a space after the exclamation point)

Updated. But, I did a searching and found many parts of existing code use "if (!isset".

> Keep up the good work.
> --
> Marc Delisle
> http://infomarc.info

Aris Feryanto