The definition of locale in linux is tr_TR.utf-8, and character converters such as strtolower and strtoupper are defeated in php. example: strtolower ('Innodb') does not return us as innodb. solution setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C') with local information should be changed or functions such as mb_strtolower should be used.

for this reason phpmyadmin bug is occurring. Because the Innodb engine is not installed correctly, it generates an undefined method error and the user does not understand that the error is not displayed.


echo setlocale(LC_CTYPE, '');
// Output: tr_TR.utf-8
// bug:
echo strtolower('Innodb');
// output: Innodb



line 1282: $innodbEnginePlugin = StorageEngine::getEngine('Innodb');
line 1283: $innodbPluginVersion = $innodbEnginePlugin->getInnodbPluginVersion();

line 195: switch (strtolower($engine)) {
