Hi I need some help here, to implement a drag and drop I need to do some UI tweak, like there need to be a <div> to be shown in case of dragover event, and we need another to show the upload status!

Also I need help with design here: How I'm planning it is:
1. User drops a file at any page! (logged in)
2. the dropped files if (sql) are uploaded asynchronously and the status of upload is shown somewhere in bottom right corner.
3. At the backend the uploaded sql is parsed and output is sent back as JSON and once the object has been received,  the pagecontent is replaced with the received output! (as happens for any other request in PMA)

I need help with which file I might need to edit, to add a div to the common UI! for js part I'll add codes to AJAX.js

Also I sent few attachments to the same thread, but I guess moderator needs to allow it first. It had screenshots of UI I was planning!

minhaz.cistoner.org || cistoner.org