On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Bimal Yashodha <kb.yashodha@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm currently integrating "exporting relational schema" functionalities into the designer. And in "Operations > Edit or export relational schema", I have moved the "exporting files" functionality in to a popup dialog box in the designer. So the process is working through ajax calls.

But my problem is, although the header parameters are set correctly, downloading is not working. 
'Content-Description: File Transfer'
'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='myfile.pdf'
'Content-Type: application/pdf'

Should I get the file as JSON encoded and the process it at the browser or, have I missed something? 

-- I'm using the function calls initialized from the schema_export.php with minor changes. 

Have you pushed your code related to this development to your repo? I couldn't find the related code. If not please do that, so I would be able to have a look and give you relevant advice.

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne