> Hi everyone,
> My name is Madhura Jayaratne and I am an undergraduate from the
> University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka. I have few years of experience in
> using php and mySql and was a user of phpMyAdmin for few years.
> When I was going through the GSoC idea list I noticed the project idea
> on charts and was interested as I have engaged in developing a general
> charting framework during my internship. I went through the requested
> feature list and had a look at the area of the codebase where I have to
> do the development.
> I have few ideas to add in this regard. My feeling is that, before
> adding charts to the runtime information tab we should put in place a
> framework that would allow us to extend charting facilitates wherever we
> want to have it in phpMyAdmin.
>  What I'm proposing is a general data structure that would facilitate
> multiple types of charts (we can learn a lot from Google Visualization
> API in this regard), and a set of interfaces that would facilitate
> different implementation for different chart rendering engines( we can
> even go for something other than CD2, if we feel like that sometimes
> down the line)
> Though this would take few weeks of extra time, I feel that this allows
> a lot of extensibility. When we have this framework in place we can do
> the implementation as for the requirement we have now and we can go on
> to add different charts to phpMyAdimn in the future as the requirement
> arises.
> Would love to hear your opinion about this
> Thanx in advance
> Regards,
> --
> Madhura Jayaratne

Are you thinking about a js framework (producing the charts on the
client) or a PHP framework (running on the server).

Marc Delisle

What I had in my mind was a PHP framework running on the server. 
What do you think about that?

Madhura Jayaratne