On Aug 31, 2013, at 5:09 PM, "J. M." <mynetx@users.sf.net> wrote:

From: mohamed.ashraf.213@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 23:03:50 +0200
To: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Phpmyadmin-devel] Documentation standard for error reporting server

Is there some documentation standard for the error reporting server or should I create one. Also if we are using a template made for php docs, special treatment must be given to controller actions since they normally do not return anything and have a lot of metadata connected to them through the router in the form of the urls that lead to them.

Mohamed Ashraf

I favorite Readthedocs - Can the team member who had set this up, elaborate, please?
- JM

I believe Michal set this up, but he has limited email access this week. That's for user documentation; if Mohamed means developer documentation that can happen in the wiki in the Devel namespace. That's of course in addition to the in-line function block comments. Mohamed, perhaps you can elaborate a bit and we can help further — if you need wiki space I certainly can assist you in finding the right place to put things. 

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