On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Michal Čihař
<michal@cihar.com> wrote:
Dne Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:32:30 +0100
Michael Keck <sfnet@michaelkeck.de> napsal(a):
> That was the problem. Now I've fixed it with this hack:
> if (isset($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']) && $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('fontsize') !== null) {
> $pma_fsize = $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->get('fontsize');
> } else if (isset($_SESSION['PMA_Config']) && $_SESSION['PMA_Config']->get('fontsize')) {
> $pma_fsize = $_SESSION['PMA_Config']->get('fontsize');
> } else {
> if (isset($_COOKIE['pma_fontsize'])) {
> $pma_fsize = $_COOKIE['pma_fontsize'];
> }
> }
> $pma_fsize = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $pma_fsize);
> if (!empty($pma_fsize)) {
> $pma_fsize = ($pma_fsize * 0.01);
> } else {
> $pma_fsize = 1;
> }
> This can be a solution on many themes at the moment.
> But - why do we have so many different things to store PMA_Configs?
It used to be in session data, but it turned out to be wrong decision -
we don't want to store sensitive data in session (eg. user password
would end up there).
Please pardon my ignorance if this question is too trivial but what exactly is the problem in storing sensitive user information in the Session variables. I mean is it only that when running on a local machine someone might see the password in the temporary session file generated in the temp folder or something else?
That's why it has been moved to globals (in
trunk, targeted for 3.4).
Anyway I think that this code should be rather in some functions and
all themes would use it.
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com
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