On 09.08.2015 17:37, Hugues Peccatte wrote:

I noticed that PHPCS is not loaded by our composer file. Is there any reason for this please?
How do you load it on your dev environments?

I used to have it from PEAR from xampp, but on my new dev environment, I use uWamp and don't have PEAR. Do you see any objection to add it to require-dev section please?


Developers mailing list

I am using Composer to install PHP_CodeSniffer. All I need to do is run ` composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"` and make sure that I have the correct folder in my PATH environment variable. That is simple as possible and I can use it anywhere I want.

I believe that for some developers, including it in `require-dev` section would make their job easier.

Best regards,
Dan Ungureanu