³ÂÔÀ·å a ¨¦crit :
> 2011/3/21 Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info <mailto:marc@infomarc.info>>
> ³ÂÔÀ·å a ¨¦crit :
> > hi,
> > I have made patch for that.Check it on my git .
> (Please do not top-post. It's better to write your answer after my
> question in your reply.)
> Ok, the warnings are gone but there is still the problem of not being
> warned if the target tables already exist.
> Hi,After the first time I try it, the message is just shown for about one
> If there's a replicated table, message "Replicated Table Name:%s" will
> display. It works well for me.
second, I don't have time to read it.
Also, please do not use the term "replicated" because replication has
another meaning in MySQL:
I suggest "Table already exists".
Marc Delisle
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