On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Chirayu Chiripal <chirayu.chiripal@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2014-06-25 06:23, Chirayu Chiripal a écrit :
> Hi,
> Feature Request Link:
> http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/637/
> I am bit confused that what does this RFE is all about. Here is my doubt:
> 1] Does this feature requests says that if a field has a "prepend" input
> transformation plugin with prepend text as "phpMyAdmin " then on insert
> page if someone enters into this field "Bringing MySQL to the web" and
> when a row is inserted then it should insert "phpMyAdmin Bringing MySQL
> to the web" into the database.
> OR it requires something else?

Hi Chirayu,
the example you mention is correct, but this feature request is much
more than that. Look at the comment from Garvin in the RFE.

In reality, we don't have to code a credit card validation, for example;
we just have to provide the mechanism by which someone can code their
own credit card validation and apply it to the input field.

In my proposal, I also gave an example of regex validation plugin i.e. if some invalid data is inserted then that plugin can replace that invalid data with some other value (which would be given in plugin options) and if data is valid then it should go as it is. I am not sure about canceling the insert with error message right now but it can be done like by setting value for invalid data in plugin option as NULL for not null column which would automatically fail the insert or in the plugin itself if validation fails then it could throw a error and stop the execution of the script itself or we can have a boolean & error variable in transformation plugin which would be checked before insert/update and take actions likewise.

I saw the Garvin's comment and if someone can elaborate this part:

"Functions defined in those files could apply any
Widget (like FCKEdit, HTMLArea or any custom-made PHP/HTML
function) around/instead of the default htmlareas."

Does it means that it can be used to change the default textarea currently used in insert/edit page to something else?

Marc Delisle | phpMyAdmin

Chirayu Chiripal
phpMyAdmin Intern - Google Summer of Code 2014