On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Ammar Yasir a écrit :
> Hi,
> I pushed my work. I just tried to add a sub-tab on the table search
> page, one for the normal search and the other for zoom search. I just
> wanted to get back feedback on whether the design will be okay to proceed?
> Please don't mind how I have coded for now, just coded very quickly to
> get a basic design of the interface. I'll code it properly after
> suggestions.
> Since user needs to select only two columns in the zoom search page,
> instead of listing out all columns I provided two select boxes where
> user will select the two columns first and I'll display the field type,
> collation, operator and value based on that later. Also since we don't
> need to display the results, the options link on that page was removed.
> One more thing: For tabs, if I am not providing any link then the mouse
> cursor changes to X and they appear as disabled. How to change that?
> Regards,
> Ammar Yasir
> http://repo.or.cz/w/phpmyadmin/ammaryasirr.git

I think that the two-tabbed interface will do the job.

A few remarks:

- you have a few undefined variables; in case you are not seeing them,
please use "$cfg['Error_Handler']['display'] = true" in your config.inc.php

- please merge the original master to your repository, today and
regularly; from

You should also regularly merge back the changes done in official

git checkout yourbranch
git remote update origin # assuming official repository is called origin
git merge origin/master

- in your jQuery you are comparing with "Table Search" and this won't
work with localization

- in pmahomme theme, labels "Table Search", "Zoom search" are difficult
to read

- the red X comes from the "error" class so try to find out why your
element has this class

Marc Delisle

I pushed my work. I have added a new file tbl_zoom_select.php which contains the interface. I tried to code everything in tbl_search page but the code becomes very complicated and I had to use a lot of If/else conditions, so i think it will become even more complicated when I'll experiment with plotting libraries.
With a new form its better to switch between the normal table search and zoom search forms without using jQuery.
Also, in this form a user can select two same columns but with different search criteria (for example, a film with rating G and a film with rating PG-13) so the query generation for this case cannot be handled in tbl_select.php. It generates a wrong query, so the query generation part of this interface also works a bit differently. It generates two queries, one for each column criteria. I know some code has to be duplicated, but I think its better to develop it as a different component. Otherwise if there are some modifications in the zoom-search part, a lot of changes have to be done in the tbl_select.php page. Its just what I thought, I'll do the interface again if code duplication is an issue.

Ammar Yasir

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