> even if [0] looks curious (and I can reproduce the problem with the
> sample table), I believe it's an isolated case. Browsing a table is so
> frequently done that we would have got more error reports.
> So I see no show-stopper for 4.0.0. Comments?
> [0] https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/3902/
> --
> Marc Delisle
> http://infomarc.info

No objections to release 4.0.0. 

I've only ever seen this issue in that very table. 
(Can anybody (best Chanaka) take a look to fix that bug for 4.0.1?)
Sorry for my less attention here. I'll address this soon.
Idea: Should we start giving our releases codenames, like WordPress and jQuery do? 
We could honor people that shine in the past of PHP, MySQL and/or our project.

Chanaka Dharmarathna
Virtusa (Pvt) Ltd. | Sri Lanka