> <mailto:
alex.ukf@gmail.com>> wrote:
> The demo server seems to be working fine, so I guess it's a local
> problem. I still can't figure it out though. I pulled everything again,
> and it works just fine on windows 7, but it still doesn't show
> anything on Ubuntu 12.04 (no matter the browser). Other remote
> branches don't help either. Anyway, it's my fault somehow.
> I really don't have any other ideas left. I tried older versions, nothing
> happens. I used the Ubuntu phpmyadmin package, same problem.
> I rewrote the config.inc.php, and I also used the /setup/ script
> (/setup/ loads just fine). I've changed all possible permissions.
> Those resources just won't load.
> I've looked in the source file (which seems to be OK) and I've
> noticed that [1] and [2] are actually the only ones that throw a
> 355 error. Also, Firefox and Opera show me some links, but
> there is absolutely no CSS loading.
> I'm guessing it's some kind of mix of the latest Ubuntu updates,
> my apache and/or php. It's a bit frustrating, because now I can't
> use PMA in any way here. I'm really curious if anyone else will
> also encounter this problem.
> [1]
> [2]