Hi phpMyAdmin,
I just wanted to introduce myself formally. My name is Pranav Sharma. I am a Computer Science student from Thapar University and wanted to take part in this years GSoC with phpMyAdmin. I think you are familiar with me since I have been contributing to phpMyAdmin off late. I have also submitted a rough draft of my proposal on the google melange site. I was hoping I could get some guiding remarks there.

Regarding the Voice Commands: - 
I have been following all the mails, and do agree with Marc and Isaac, that phpMyAdmin might not benefit much from voice commands. But I also feel that integrating voice commands today, might pave the way for features unforeseen today. I feel that voice commands is like taking the moon shot. It can be 'innovative' for phpMyAdmin. I am not sure if such a version exists, but maybe phpMyAdmin could have an experimental branch; where all these innovative things are being tried and tested, and the best ones can make it to the final version. I am only thinking out loud.

Regarding feature request http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/701/ (Print View CSS)
1) Do you mean that getting the html flashed from the query executed, should be picked up from the page and displayed in the Print View? I am having trouble interpreting Chris Livelys suggestion for the solution.

Regarding feature request http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/501/ (Support SSL Grant)
1) Is this still for GSoC? I believe it has already been implemented

Regarding Feature Request http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/1060/ (Designed should remember settings)
1) It says that designer should remember snap to grid and angular links. I cannot understand this, what is its utility. I have played around with it in the designer and it hasnt done anything. Could i be provided with a use case? Do you mean that when i click these two button and they get highlighted, and i close the window. When i reopen the window, they should still be highlighted?

Regarding Feature Request (Export Progress Bar)
1) I made appropriate changes so that it wouldnt make any errors regarding unexpected end of input. This was basically happening because i wasnt returning json data but plain text. However there still persists an issue. It is a browser issue and that of Firefox. It seems firefox is unable to handle repeatedly polled requests; when the request to the progress script is made, it is immediately left dangling, and replaced by the export request. I feel that this is some deep browser issue. I have tried a lot of googling but in vain. However the solution works beautifully on Chrome. Is it possible that a ticket can be opened regarding this issue on firefox. The solution is only failing in firefox, I feel that this solution shouldnt be abandoned just like this. The help of experienced programmers could help salvage/improve the solution for firefox. If you allow, I can make another pull request with the updated solution.

Lastly, if i can please get some guiding remarks for my proposal, It would really be helpful.
Thank you phpMyAdmin, you have been very helpful. :)
Pranav Sharma