Alexander Turek wrote:
Loïc wrote:
Alexander wrote:
What about letting the user open a small query window
via JS by clicking on a link in the left frame? This
would allow him to use the query box from anywhere.
I'll build a patch tomorrow.
Good idea as soon it can also work with a browser that
can't parse js (it can be easilly done).

Fine. Let's keep this idea for 2.3.1.
Since Marc did not like the idea of putting the link into the left frame,
If the idea was to add a small icon next to each table name in the left frame, I think it uses too much
valuable space and would force some users to widen the left frame to see their table names.

But maybe a link in the left frame that opens an empty query box (pop-up) would be ok.

I'd suggest to use the SQL link in tbl_properties_links / db_details_links
instead: If the user has JS enabled, the query box window will pop up, otherwise
he will be leaded to the normal SQL page.
What about that?
By putting the query box in a pop-up, do you have the objective of always being able to enter a query, regardless
of what is displayed in the right frame?

Greetings from Greece :o)
