On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2014-07-16 17:45, Isaac Bennetch a écrit :
> Bringing this to phpmyadmin--devel for further discussion. This is
> specifically related to implementing feature request 1488 "User
> privilege tab not shown in all relevant cases" [1]
> On 7/16/14, 4:00 PM, Chirayu Chiripal wrote:
>> Does it makes sense, to allow a user to revoke some of the global
>> privileges from himself?
> I think ideally, we would allow this but display a message warning that
> it's a bad idea. Something like "You are attempting to remove privileges
> from the user with which you are currently logged in. This is generally
> a bad idea and might result in you being unable to log in or change
> privileges. Are you sure you wish to remove these privileges?"
> I can't think of a scenario when a user would actually want to do this;
> but just because it's a bad idea doesn't mean we should prevent the user
> from doing it, right? Or in this case, is it reasonable to disallow this
> action?
> What does everyone else think?

As MySQL permits this, phpMyAdmin should let the user do it.

Adding a warning can be helpful, keeping in mind that there are certain
others actions like a direct deletion of something in the "mysql"
database that could cause the same problem to the user.

Instead of adding a confirmation dialog and increasing one step for the user, how about adding a short notice on the edit privileges page to remind the user that he is editing his own privileges?

The notice can be something like this: "Note: You are attempting to edit privileges of the user with which you are currently logged in.". This notice will appear only when user is editing his own privileges.