Hi Marc,

there are still elements with the same id, for example in my test of the
sakila database, there are two elements with id footnote_1_1.

The source of the problem is the following. When db_structure.php is
executed, it calls PMA_showHint() which keeps track of the number of
instances for each message in a global array.

However, when you call tbl_change.php via AJAX, the global variables are
reset and this execution is not aware of the previously recorded instances.

Hi Marc,

As Rouslan said can I remove this ID's from elements and add as classes. Since my new logic in initTooltips($div) function it get the $div parameter to define the search sub domain for footnotes elements it will not conflict with multiple elements having the same class. Thank you. 


L G Thilanka Kaushalya     
Computer Science & Engineering,    
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka
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