Hi Abhishek,

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Abhishek Kanojia <abhishekka3193@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi ,

I have an idea of implementing shortcut keys to phpmyadmin, which is
what i am currently working on.

Benefits of shortcut keys:

1. Ease of access
2. Keyboard shortcut allows to work faster then simple navigating
through the link.
3. Improves User Interaction with the application.

Need some suggestions on this .

​phpMyAdmin already has some of the shortcuts like Ctrl/Alt + Arrow keys for 
moving across the editable table cells (grid edit) (implemented for issue #6068)
​or 'Ctrl + Enter' for​ submitting the 'Insert Row' (on tbl_change.php) form.
​Another recent issue that was implemented for usability improvement was : #6207

Though these ones are already closed, you can take a look at these for reference
or even find some more in the issue tracker.

​Anyways, what type of ​keyboard shortcuts do you have in mind ? 
Could you give an example? 

Deven Bansod