Hi Abhishek,

Yes you are right this is not the proper way as the UI is not consistent. I am letting you know some of the discussion that was happening regarding this bug.
1. Option 1: Show both Update (The latest update query) and Select query, I felt this was pointless as the query box in browse mode is relevant only if it shows the select query.
2. Option 2: Use something like I did in the pull request along with all the update queries being logged. 

Share if you have any better ideas?


On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Abhishek Kandoi <abhikandoi2000@gmail.com> wrote:
While examining the bug 4301, I found a fundamental problem with the query result messages (those with id result_query).

The problem is that in some cases there are multiple result query messages that have to be displayed. For eg: when a row is edited (using the Edit link of a particular row on the browse table page) two result queries are displayed. The first is an UPDATE query and the other is a SELECT query.

The corresponding HTML for this contains two divs with the same id (i.e. result_query). This is invalid html as an id is supposed to be unique to an element and must only identify a single element.

Regarding the bug 4301, there is a pull request from krtin available here https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/1006.

But according to the standards this is not the proper way to fix this bug. I would like to re-factor the code corresponding to the multiple-element-with-same-id problem and then fix this bug accordingly.

This pull request does solve the problem but, in the long run it may be problematic due to its inconsistency with the overall UI/UX of phpMyAdmin (it uses animation to display the UPDATE query for a few seconds followed by the SELECT query).

Any thoughts on this?

Abhishek Kandoi
Second Year, Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
About Me : about.me/kandoiabhi
I blog at: abhikandoi.in

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