On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 1:57 AM, Dan Ungureanu <udan1107@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Nisarg Jhaveri <nisargjhaveri@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in GSoC with phpMyAdmin. Also, congratulations to Smita, Dan, Zhang and Deven.

My project title is "Page-related settings and other user interface improvements". You can find my proposal [here][0].

You can find something more about me [here][1].

Looking forward to a great summer :D

Nisarg Jhaveri
નિસર્ગ ઝવેરી

Hello Nisarg,

Congratulations for your admission into Google Summer of Code. I really hope that you will have an amazing summer and you'll successfully complete everything you proposed for the summer.

I see that one task of your project is to implement RFE #1603 Export: per-table structure/data. I implemented this feature a while back in this commit [1]. I know it is far from being done and some things could have been done better, but I hope it is going to come in handy and help you a little. 

Hi Dan,

Also, I think Deven will be working on RFE #342. It'll be useful to him too.


Nisarg Jhaveri
નિસર્ગ ઝવેરી