On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:10 PM, arush goyal <arushgyl@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I am Arush Goyal and I want to start fixing bugs at PhpMyAdmin. I have some basic knowledge of PHP but I dont know where to start. Can someone give me an overview of the code?

​Hi Arush,​ thanks for your interest in contributing to phpMyAdmin.

For some references, 
you may look at some of the wikis at : https://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Category:Devel​
​Though I accept that some of the wikis might be outdated, but still most of them are still useful.​

About the code, it is mostly organized in a logical way:
All front scripts in root folder,
library functions required by these scripts are in ./libraries/ ,
js files are in ./js/​ ,
templates for some of the pages are in ./templates/, 
test files are in ./test/

Deven Bansod