2014/1/5 Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info>
Le 2014-01-05 14:31, Hugues Peccatte a écrit :
> Hi,
> 2014/1/5 Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info <mailto:marc@infomarc.info>>
>     Hi,
>     I'm aware that I'm opening a can of worms, but can we discuss PHPMD
>     rules?
>     In particular, I find that to obey the maximum variable name (20
>     characters) rule, one has to sometimes abbreviate at the expanse of
>     clarity.
>     http://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/908/pmdResult/type.811406648/
> I agree. Many rules are useful to keep the code clear, but sometimes it
> could be a constraint.
> Marc is talking about the length of variable names, but it's the same
> thing about the line length. Limit to 80 characters is out-of-dated. Our
> screen are larger than "before" so let's use more. (And you choose to
> use more because our standard is now 85 characters. In my job, we
> decided to use 120.)
> But this was only an example to support what Marc said.

Well, on my laptop, I don't have that much space and I'm happy with the
current line length limit.

> But if I'm right, the problem of PMD is that you can activate a group of
> rules but not a single rule. (Some one to contradict this please ?)
> One possibility could be to try to implement the interesting rules in
> PHPCS if they don't exist.
> Hugues.

You're right. We are not at work, we don't have all the same devices. But it was only to say that things need to evolve and to ask if there is a way to activate only some PMD rules.
