Hi Marc,

Feature merged, thanks.

A possible improvement: when you create a table having a VARCHAR column
and you forget the length, you get a nice "This is not a number" message.

There is no such nice message when changing a column, so you get an
error that does not point to the real problem.

I fixed this issue for the ajax enabled scenario by using the "checkTableEditForm()" function and pushed the code to the repo. But for non ajax scenario I didn't handled yet. For applying this in the non ajax behavior I have to move the  "$("#append_fields_form input[name=do_save_data]").live('click')" action to functions.js file in order to make accessible at the tbl_alter.php file. Is it okay to have this action in functions.js file and the other actions related to change option in tbl_structure.js file. If it is okay I'll change that. Thank you. 


L G Thilanka Kaushalya     
Computer Science & Engineering,    
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka
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