Hi all,

About the grid editing mode, should we keep this as an option for user?
I have submitted a proposal on GSoC website and hoping for some comments.

Aris Feryanto

From: Aris Feryanto <aris_feryanto@yahoo.com>
To: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Rab, 30 Maret, 2011 00:30:40
Subject: Re: [Phpmyadmin-devel] GSoC 2011: Browse-mode Improvements ++


Sorry, I forgot the link in previous email.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Delisle [mailto:marc@infomarc.info]
> Sent: 29 Maret 2011 18:38
> To: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Phpmyadmin-devel] GSoC 2011: Browse-mode Improvements
> ++
> I'm not sure that we should keep the 3.4 version "inline edit" in this case. Do
> you still see a value for this feature if "grid editing" is implemented?

Actually, I was thinking of giving users some choices of ways to edit data. And they can choose the way that most suitable for them. Maybe there are some users that prefer to use inline edit. Moreover, phpMyAdmin developers and contributors surely have put some time and effort on implementing inline edit feature, so I wasn't planning to replace it. How do you think?

> --
> Marc Delisle
> http://infomarc.info

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Čihař [mailto:michal@cihar.com]
> Sent: 29 Maret 2011 20:18
> To: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Phpmyadmin-devel] GSoC 2011: Browse-mode Improvements
> ++
> Hi
> Dne Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:10:55 -0700 (PDT) Aris Feryanto
> <aris_feryanto@yahoo.com> napsal(a):
> > •Edit only selected field
> >
> > One way to achieve this: modify current edit page to show only selected
> field.
> > When user runs a select query, select some rows, and then click edit,
> > some variables will be passed to edit page, so it hides fields that
> > are not shown in the query result. Alternatively, an option to
> > show/unhide all fields can be added.
> >
> > •Grid view in the table edit page
> >
> > Sometimes, users want to be able to edit only certain selected rows,
> > but with a browse-like view. (Think of actions: browse -> select some
> > rows -> With
> > selected: edit)
> >
> > I am thinking of improving the edit page, so user can have an option
> > to edit table in a grid view instead of current edit view. The grid
> > view will be simple, 2D grid, like in browse table. Each cell will be
> > resizable text field, where user can change the value directly by typing in it.
> >
> > I think this will be a complement of inline edit, since we can edit
> > TEXT type value (which cannot be edited in inline edit).
> Maybe these two could be somehow mixed together? Seeing bugs we had
> with inline edit, I'm afraid of adding yet another way for editing data, what
> would mean three versions of code doing basically same thing.
> I think rather than adding yet another editing mode, it would be more useful
> to somehow consolidate what we have right now into shape that it is usable
> in more situations. This should probably start with defining how the data
> should be editable and which options it should provide (eg. using MySQL
> functions and so on).

Same as above, I thought that the grid editing will be just an option for users. And about current basic edit mode,  I think we should keep it for compatibility when javascript is not available or disabled (as I am thinking of implementing the grid editing using javascript).

I have take a look at current phpMyAdmin edit page and also a tool "Toad for MySQL Freeware". Basically, user can enter data by typing the value directly, or choose from a MySQL function.

For the grid editing, we can implement a drop-down for every cell in the grid, just like in "Toad for MySQL Freeware" [1]. In the drop-down, depends to the data type for selected cell, user will be given option whether to type-in data directly, use MySQL function, use datetime picker, etc.

To differ MySQL function from usual data, we can use spreadsheet-like syntax, i.e. MySQL function appears with "=" sign in front of the expression.

That is my suggestions. How do you think?