I just installed WAMPSERVER 2.2 on my Windows Vista desktop pc for the first time, planning to subsequently install self hosted wordpress. The system tray wamp icon is green (which I believe suggests that the three main components to WAMP-php, mysql and Apache- are working properly), but when I left click the wamp icon and scroll up to choose 'phpMyAdmin' my browser window displays the following message:


You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.

  Typing 'localhost' into my browser successfully navigates to the WampServer page with 'Server Configuration' details, 'Tools', 'Your Projects' and 'Your Aliases', but selecting 'phpmyadmin' from that page still displays the same 'Forbidden' message. Any ideas regarding potential sources for this problem? I'd really appreciate some guidance here, I feel in over my head.

