On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:38 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2011-07-07 09:56, Marc Delisle a écrit :
> Le 2011-07-06 13:36, Ammar Yasir a écrit :
>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:36 AM, Marc Delisle<marc@infomarc.info>  wrote:
>>> Le 2011-07-05 08:50, Ammar Yasir a écrit :
>>>>      * The link for 'How to use?' / instructions to use is available
>>>>        again by using PMA_ajaxShowMessage
>>> OK but I don't have the time to read the full message; I must click
>>> again and this is annoying. Maybe leave it in place until I click again?
>>> Maybe just increase the time to 10 sec? or it may be 10 sec is too long ?
> 10 sec would be ok; but can the message disappear if I click?
I looked at your repo having commit

Message is fine now. I suggest replacing
 Click data points to view the data row.
 Click a data point to view and possibly edit the data row.


>>> It would be so much simpler if the interface was always in Edit mode. If
>>> I don't want to edit, I just don't edit.
>>> Ok, I'll remove the feature.
> Thanks.

Works great now. I have a suggestion: when someone submits an edit,
since the row's data remains visible, the corresponding data point
should remain selected.


I've done a basic version of edit functionality. I added a unique identifier for each row in the query result data by using the PMA_getUniqueCondition() from the common.lib.php file (where_clause). I then generate the update query in the edit submit event using this where clause and post it to sql.php. The return data is added to the  <sqlqueryresult> div to show the query executed and the message. The plot also updates on submit if one of the axes is updated. Is my logic is okay?
I've pushed my work and you can try scenarios on the film_actor table in the sakila database.
Please please please: use shorter commits. Your comment says "Removed
mode feature, appended a missing configuration directive and changed
help link duration to 10sec"; splitting these in 3 commits would have
made understanding each change easier.

>>> Another thing: why remove this line from config.default.php?
>>> $cfg['ShowDisplayDir'] = false;
>>> Reverted the change.
> Thanks.
> I'll have a look at your tree later today.
>>>> Now working on to update query generation on edit mode. Also, will check
>>>> out the code snippet for panning tyron suggested.
>>>> I'll look into the default label problem in some time (testing using the
>>>> pma configuration storage).

Marc Delisle

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