
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Michal Čihař <michal@cihar.com> wrote:

Dne Mon, 29 Mar 2010 17:55:13 +0530
Rohit Kalhans <rohit.kalhans@gmail.com> napsal(a):

> The Idea behind enabling and disabling AJAX is that I am trying to develop
> it as a plug-in to the existing code, and the user can choose not to use
> this feature. Since PMA is also being used by many hosting sites apart from
> personal users, this may be up to the discretion of the service provider to
> use this plug-in. he may uninstall this plug-in by changing the
> cfg['advancedAjaxInterface'] to FALSE and the plug-in even it is installed
> will be inactive and if the user(service provider) feels like people should
> use this plug-in he just have  to change the value of the above mentioned
> variable.

Let's forget about making plugin, you will really have to touch lot of
code (or duplicate it), so it really can not be separated.

Thats what i was trying to do all these days, figuring out the ways to implement what i suggested with minimal changes to the native code and i was successful. I was, however unable to create the patch (using git) but i'll attach the modified code files as an attachment in 2 to 3 days,( if I am still unable to use git, i am still trying to figure out the problem) and you can have a look at it and then make the decision :).

> I have past experiences with Ajax and a few of them are not pretty gud. At
> times when using ajax, on a slow connection (or for a busy server), this
> becomes a problem more than a feature. this does not make AJAX intrusive but
> on the contrary provides a flexibility to either use or do not use this
> functionality (for the person who has installed PMA ) .

And that only answered part of the question, why do you need two
configuration options?

Yes,  it probably makes sense to have single option to disable AJAX.

The first option [from config file] will disable AJAX permanently and the second one will disable it for just a given session.
I will suggest that you take a look at the modified code because that will make the functionality clearer. I think i am not able to explain properly. 

> This is for the user to make a choice whether or not he wants  to use this
> feature or not. Say, he has to log in remotely, of from a different browser
> which does not support JAVASCRIPT. Even though this can be detected but what
> about old browsers (IE-6 etc which support javascript but are pretty slow
> with JavaScript and may bore the user to death :) ) and slow
> net-connections(say the user is using in prime-time). The user may need to
> just load a basic html view and this drop-down box   provides him an option
> to do that. However the default view takes care of the the graceful
> degradation even if JavaScript is not enabled, (or present). Also if the
> user chooses to use the Advanced UI and if javascript is not present or
> enabled PMA will switch back to the normal view as it isnow with an alert to
> the user.
> The same technique is being used by ZIMBRA <http://www.zimbra.com/> and

Well I don't think this should be handled so specially. For now, use
just setting in config file and user will be able to change it once per
user preferences will be implemented (hopefully someone will finish it
this GSoC).

> Can a git repository be accessed through a http proxy like squid?


       Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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