On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:53 AM, Michal Čihař <michal@cihar.com> wrote:

Dne Thu, 4 Mar 2010 22:16:25 +0530
Rohit Kalhans <rohit.kalhans@gmail.com> napsal(a):

> I just saw the page that you cited above but the last posted comment was Oct
> 2008, cant track out what work have been done after that, but anywa ill post
> in my comments over there.

I don't think there was ever any progress in introducing AJAX into

I am working on ajaxifying the    RUN SQL (the second tab in the tab list at the top), using  JQuery,  for now lets test it before we try to proceed any further.
We need to check the tradeoff between the speed and UI experience  and the overheads involved. 

       Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

Rohit Kalhans