I'm not sure you realize that actor_info is a view. The returned error
is normal.
The error is normal with the non ajax criteria and in the common.lib.php file the ajax request is handled as follows.
if($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
PMA_ajaxResponse($error_msg_output, false);
If I can change this to a normal response such as
if($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
echo $error_msg_output;
it will not parse json and works as the proper error message error
Also, this error comes from a POST of tbl_replace.php (not
This does not get form posting for tbl_replace.php. You can check it by checking the "Insert" link, and the url shows the tbl_change.php.
and this is handled in db_structure.js at this section:
$("#insertForm .insertRowTable.ajax input[value=Go]").live('click')
I'm not sure why you said this should be handled in the above action because the error should handle when it loads to the insert dialog.