Hello everyone,

I am trying to solve Bug#4279 with Pull#923.

I've successfully solved first part of the bug report. But in the second part I am stuck a little. So I want suggestions from developer community.

Here's the scenario, as per my understanding. 
  1. For select-box, on UP/DOWN arrow key events, values change as per its default behavior. 
  2. A function named onKeyDownArrowsHandler() is called whenever CTRL + UP or DOWN is pressed. 
Now on pressing CTRL + UP/DOWN, both of the above events are fired. 

What I want to do is to differentiate between CTRL + UP/DOWN and only UP/DOWN in  onKeyDownArrowsHandler() function. Or in other way I want to suppress default behavior of select-box if it's pressed in combination with CTRL key.

I tried printing keyCode in log, but it only shows keyCode of either CTRL or UP/DOWN depending on whichever is pressed first.

I also tried e.preventDefault() , but that does not work with select-box either. After a little searching around on internet, I came across some bug reports of Mozilla. See MozillaBug#392863 and MozillaBug#291082.

Is there any other way of achieving the same..??

Please give your valuable suggestions. 

Dhananjay R. Nakrani,
Undergraduate Student,
CSE Department,
Institute Of Technology,
Nirma University,
Ahmedabad, India.