Hi Olivier & all!
[About user administration pages]
Would it be possible to make it work also without
javascript ?
For example the "Go" button on "add user" is not a standard submit
button, and this user administration page would be quite practical
on sysadmin work, on console+lynx... :)
This MUST be done... but rewritting this script in a convenient format with
such requirements is at least a one full day work. And I don't have so many
free times now :(
Other small anoying thing: on file upload, the whole
file (even if 2MB big)
is displayed in the "Your SQL-query has been executed successfully"
box and in the "Run SQL query/queries on database ____" textarea.
For example on file upload, only display "File uploaded successfully, xxx
rows loaded" + mysql message if any, and keep the textarea empty ?
Nice idea :)
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