
Thank you for the report about the French translation. I'll pass that along to the person who updates the French translations.

As far as your error, I can't quite reproduce it. Which phpMyAdmin version are you using?? It could be because you're using a SQL keyword "password" as a column name but haven't properly escaped it; you could try instead

INSERT INTO users (pseudo,firstname,lastname,email,`password`)

(or even better, change the name of 'password' to something else entirely to avoid such need to quote), although that's just a guess.


On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 6:19 AM Gwendal Le Tareau via Translators <translators@phpmyadmin.net> wrote:

I met a mistake in an error in French.

Instead of  "Une parenthèse gauche suivie d’un ensemble de données était attendus." It is "Une parenthèse gauche suivie d’un ensemble de données étaient attendus."

And I’ve a question about this error. What is the problem ? I don’t understand why there is that.
Modifying the request, I saw that it’s because there are others INSERT INTO requests (with the same format / way to do) but I don’t know the reasons.

Thanks you in advance for your help.


Gwendal Le Tareau

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