There has been a new comment on phpMyAdmin/Documentation at Hosted Weblate.
Source string: |
Untar or unzip the distribution (be sure to unzip the subdirectories): ``tar -xzvf phpMyAdmin_x.x.x-all-languages.tar.gz`` in your webserver's document root. If you don't have direct access to your document root, put the files in a directory on your local machine, and, after step 4, transfer the directory on your web server using, for example, ftp.
Comment: | Should be "FTP" |
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Translation summary:
Total strings: | 2501 |
Translated strings: | 190 (7.5%) |
Untranslated strings: | 2311 (92.4%) |
Strings marked for review: | 111 (4.4%) |
You can translate at https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/phpmyadmin/documentation/nb/