[Phpmyadmin-devel] left.php suggestions

Dan Allen bigredlinux at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 10 10:27:44 CEST 2001

Here is a patch for tuning left.php to be more style and option
friendly...any global variables that you see that are not in the
config.inc.php I have obviously added and you need to to the same if you
want to use this left.php...  The easiest and must exciting change is
the addition of a title attribute to the table links (so that the table
name pops up when you fly over the table if you are using even a halfway
decent browser)...helpful for long table names.

If anyone is interested in seeing it all in action, or wants to get some
ideas about what I came up with, check out

There is no real data on the site, so just be polite and view only...

p.s. I patched the rc4 version



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