[Phpmyadmin-devel] look of main.php3 (suggestion)

Olivier M. qmail at orion.8304.ch
Tue Aug 21 22:40:58 CEST 2001


I don't know what you think, but I find that the current
main.php3 look is not really nice... :)

Just replaced the <ul> by tables, and it looks like that now:
(not in cvs, just as test): 

Do you like that ? The source (*very* bad html) is under
http://www.omnis.ch/stuff/pmatest/main.php3.txt : if an html
wizard would like to make that clean, you're welcome!

 Olivier Mueller - om at 8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch  -  http://webmail.omnis.ch

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