[Phpmyadmin-devel] Offering a "patch" for new vertical table browsing
Garvin Hicking
hicking at faktor-e.de
Wed Dec 12 06:26:09 CET 2001
I took the time to integrate a change I did long ago to an older version of
PhpMyAdmin into the latest "stable" release. Sadly, I didn't do it in the
latest CVS-build because this port is blocked here at my office.
First, what the patch does is to enhance the "Show X rows starting from Y to
Z" dialog to the phrase "in [vertical/horizontal] mode and repeat headers
after ZZ cells". Then the output done in the display_tbl.lib.php3 file is
formated in horizontal or vertical columns, which was quite useful for me in
some times I had to browse tables which huge amounts of keys, and I hate to
scroll horizontally. Also, that headers are repeated after X cells is quite
usefull, I think.
I have done my best to make easy changes to the current structure without
too much intereference. Somethings could have been done better, because they
are now somehow redundant. But maybe one of the core developers can have a
look at my changes and proceed at will. If I can be of any help integrating
the patch, please let me know. The php-file itself can be found at
http://www2.bonnet.de/garvin/display_tbl.lib.txt (I didn't know whether I'm
allowed to post attachments or not) - you also have to alter the language
and config files, which are appended to my E-Mail.
Feedback appreciated. :-)
>> config.inc.php
/* BEGIN Changes for new vertical/horizontal Browse mode, Garvin Hicking
<hicking at faktor-e.de> */
$cfgLeftWidth = 150; // left frame width
$cfgDefaultDisplay = "horizontal"; // default display mode
$cfgRepeatCells = 100; // repeat header names every X cells? (0 =
/* END Changes for new vertical/horizontal Browse mode, Garvin Hicking
<hicking at faktor-e.de> */
>> <language>.inc.php
/* BEGIN Changes for new vertical/horizontal Browse mode, Garvin Hicking
<hicking at faktor-e.de> */
$strRowsInModePre = 'in';
$strRowsModeVertical = 'vertical';
$strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horizontal';
$strRowsInModeAfter = 'mode and repeat headers after';
$strRowsInModeCells = 'cells';
/* END Changes for new vertical/horizontal Browse mode, Garvin Hicking
<hicking at faktor-e.de> */
Garvin Hicking / Mediengestalter
Faktor E AG
email: hicking at faktor-e.de | me at supergarv.de
www.faktor-e.de | www.supergarv.de
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