[Phpmyadmin-devel] suggestion for Documentation after 2.3

Beck, Mike mike.beck at ibmiller.de
Wed Jul 24 10:22:01 CEST 2002

hi all,

what i think should still be improved is the way to get to the
documentation... at the moment we basically assume (hope/pray whatever) that
anybody has read the document fully and still remembers it when he uses PMA.

now my suggestion would be to have a small function

which, depending on wether javascript can be used, will write the javascript
code to open the docu at the specified anchor, or a simple <a href> together
with some nice little ? symbol.
then we would 'just' have to go through the docu and enter lots of anchors
so we can call this function at all places throughout pma to show the user
an easy way towards the docu.

idealy a ? icon should be beside every user input field. now this would
require some more docu _and_ i really think by then we should split up the
docu into smaller parts, so that we don't need to send the whole docu file
every time, so it would be something like:

i expect it will take some time until this is fully realized, but i'd
suggest i'd do a function for it after 2.3.0 and start splitting the docu
and then everybody could just try to keep in mind to add some functioncall
if he stumbles across some place in the source that needs explanation, so it
will get better after time.

 1) do you agree to try to go in this direction
 2) wasn't there some thought on having the docu in a different format?
(sgml, xml or whatever)
 3) i expect nobody ever really hoped we could get the whole docu
translated, or?

Mike Beck
mike.beck at users.sourceforge.net 

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