[Phpmyadmin-devel] Re: Parser and PHP3

Loïc loic-div at ifrance.com
Fri Jul 26 04:31:03 CEST 2002

Hi List!

>DEBUG_TIMING and the strange order of function
>declaraction inside that block is related to my testing
>harness for the SQL Parser


["trigger_error" problem]
>This is a problem actually. I don't want to terminate the
>running of the page just because my SQL Parser can't
>handle something in the query. I wanted to just print out
>a message as to why my parser failed and continue
>execution of the page contents.

OK, the we may think about a way to emulate it under

["print_r" problem]
>I've changed that to just return the array for now, and I'll
>print it out from my test harness instead.


["gzcompress" and "gzcompress" problem]
>Just dumping the data base64 encoded got really big, so I
>was just running it thru gzcompress before doing the
>base64 encoding.

OK but but should only do this if the "gzcompress"
function is usable ie
    if (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION >= 40001 && @function_exists('gzcompress')) {
        $encodedstr = nl2br(chunk_split(base64_encode(gzcompress($debugstr,
    } else {
        $encodedstr = nl2br(chunk_split(base64_encode($debugstr, 9)));

>The linux kernel has a 'BUG()' call. For some of our
>PMA code, a similar thing would actually be a
>very useful function call.

Very interesting idea :)


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