[Phpmyadmin-devel] Pause from phpMyAdmin

Alexander M. Turek alexander.turek at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri Dec 5 01:51:00 CET 2003

Hi Michal & list,

Michal Cihar wrote:
> due to finishing school I won't have much time for phpMyAdmin in next
> about three months.

I think, we will make it over these three months. But please promise us to
return afterwards! Don't even think of not doing so!!! ;-)

> Only thing I will probably do is keeping Czech translation up to
> date.

Yeah, it would really be problematic if Marc, Garvin or me tried to update
the Czech strings. :-)

> I'll keep items in feature requests assigned to me, but if
> anyone of you will want to write that feel free to reassign them.

Good luck and take care.

Best regards,


Alexander M. Turek
<rabus at users.sourceforge.net>
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