[Phpmyadmin-devel] (PMA_SQP_typeCheck) operator "===" and PHP 3

Marc Delisle DelislMa at CollegeSherbrooke.qc.ca
Tue Feb 4 10:06:04 CET 2003

Rabus wrote:

>Hi Robin, Marc & list,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marc Delisle
>>>>I remember we discussed this, but did we find a good
>>>>There is a "===" operator in sqlparser.lib.php3.
>>>I just never got around to trying your solution, since
>>>I don't have access to a PHP3 installation.
>>I don't remember what was my solution.
>Shouldn't it be possible to replace
>($a === $b)
>by the following expression?
>($a == $b && gettype($a) == gettype($b))
>Alexander M. Turek
><alex at bugfixes.info>
gettype( ) works on variables, but the case we have is:
if(strpos($whatWeWant, $typeSeperator) === FALSE) {

I don't know if it works on expressions and constants.

Anyway, looking at the code, we usually workaround this
strpos problem with the "append a blank" trick:

if (strpos(' ' . $goto, 'tbl_properties') == 1) {


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