[Phpmyadmin-devel] release notes for 2.6.0-alpha

Alexander M. Turek alexander.turek at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Mon Apr 19 14:20:03 CEST 2004

Hi Marc & list,

Marc Delisle wrote:
> Please have a look at
> http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/marc.php?rel=0
> and send me your additions/corrections.

imho, we can remove that note about the MySQL 4.1 / 5.0 support being
experimental. I was about to remove those notes from our Documentation, but
I wanted to ask you first.

"MySQLi: direct support for MySQL 4.1 character sets" does not make much
sense as we also have this direct charset support with the classic

The thing about MySQLi is that it was designed for the use with MySQL 4.1
while the classic extension officially does not work with MySQL 4.1...
Actually, it does still work fine with MySQL 4.1, but its programmers don't
seem to trust their baby anymore... ;-)

I'd like to change "ANSI compatibility" into "Optional ANSI compatibility"
as the user does not have to stick with ANSI-SQL if he does not want to.

The popup calendar is not only available for date fields but also for
datetime and timestamp afaik.

I'd move "UTF-8 was disabled on UTF-8 databases" under "Improvements" and
call it "Support for UTF-8 databases under MySQL 4.1"

"MySQL charsets not added to WHERE clauses": Perhaps we should mention that
this problem occured with the search feature.

Fixes: Charset information got lost when changing fields, see ChangeLog

Improvements: "(Un)check all" link for privileges page, see ChangeLog

Could someone explain "Export: use unbuffered queries" to me?



Alexander M. Turek
<rabus at users.sourceforge.net>

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