[Phpmyadmin-devel] Nuke mysql_wrappers?

Alexander M. Turek alexander.turek at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri Jan 9 14:48:01 CET 2004

Hi Marc & list,

Marc Delisle wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> When I look at the next jobs for the project, I see 3 main
> possibilities:
> - sessions stuff

Should also be done, but can wait.

> - evaluate and possibly clear some RFE entries

After the session stuff ;-)

> - MySQLi
> I offer my help on the MySQLi project. I agree to switch HEAD to 2.6.0
> (or maybe name this 3.0) but I suggest that we all
> concentrate our efforts to MySQLi.
> This way everyone would be familiar with the new code.
> Important bug fixes would go to 2.5.5-pl... and small bug fix would
> go to HEAD or be delayed.

Currently we have some code in HEAD that is ready to release (imho) and does
not depend on MySQLi.
Regarding the fact that some of it affects the compatibility with recent
MySQL releases (4.1.1 and 5.0.0) I really think that we should split the
HEAD branch instead of keeping on merging into QA_2_5_5.

We won't have to create QA sub-branches of MAINT_2_5. It's just that I think
that the MySQLi work will take some time so we should at least keep the
possibility of releasing on or two more 2.5.x releases in the meantime.



Alexander M. Turek
<rabus at users.sourceforge.net>
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