[Phpmyadmin-devel] sessions/cookies vs. javascript

Marc Delisle Marc.Delisle at cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca
Tue Sep 27 06:02:51 CEST 2005

Garvin Hicking a écrit :
> Hi!
>>securing session data/handling is part of the system not of the application
>>(like some days ago someone said window hijacking is part of
>>the browser not the app)
> We would make it too easy for us to say so, especially if we are able to bypass
> this. If we really just use PHP sessions and pay no attention to their security,
> we need to make phpMyAdmin still work without sessions. Most of the shared
> hosting providers to not ensure different session.save_path settings...
>>even with open_basedir disabled, to open a file from the tmp dir you need the
>>exact name, as normaly listing dir contents is not allowed
> Why do you think that? I can open and list my /tmp directory on all 3 hosts I
> just checked:
> <?php
> $d = opendir('/tmp');
> while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) {
> echo $file . "\n";
> }
>>and guessing the right session id is nearly impossible:
> That's true of course. :)
>>>Also we need to think about what bad can happen when someone hijacks your
>>>session id, or uses session fixation.
>>authentication information does not require to be stored in the session!
>>authentication system can stay as it is!

But.... users deactivating cookies in their browser currently cannot 
benefit from the login panel.
> Yes, I think it's better to rely on the current system than to use a (much
> easier) PHP session auth.
> Regards,
> Garvin

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